About withdrawal

[Annual membership plan] Please tell me how to cancel my membership.

Membership is valid for one year from the month of joining.

If you do not complete the renewal procedure, your membership will be cancelled.

<About automatic credit card renewal>

When choosing your payment method upon enrollment, if you select "Credit card payment"

This is a service that automatically renews your annual membership fee from the following year onwards.

If your credit card is automatically renewed, your membership will be automatically renewed after the 20th of the month your membership expires.

If you do not wish to renew your subscription, please complete the procedure for automatic cancellation of renewal from "My Page."

The procedure for canceling automatic renewal must be completed by the 20th of the month in which your membership expires.

Please note that your subscription will be automatically renewed after the due date.

>>Click here to stop automatic renewal

Other questions about "Cancellation"


If the above does not resolve your issue, please contact us using the details below.

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