Description based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Act

Fanplus Inc.
Sales Manager
Representative Director Gen Sato
3-12-18 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Contact information
*We do not accept inquiries regarding transactions or services over the phone.
For inquiries, please contact us here.
Selling price
[Annual membership course]
Membership fee: 6,000 yen (tax included)/13 months
*Unless you cancel the automatic renewal, you will be automatically charged the same amount every year.
*Automatic renewal is not available only if the payment method is convenience store payment.
[Monthly fee course]
Membership fee: 550 yen (tax included)/month
*Unless you cancel the automatic renewal, you will be automatically charged the same amount every month.

payment method
[Annual membership course]
・Credit card payment
·Convenience store settlement
*If you pay at a convenience store, an additional fee will be charged.
[Monthly fee course]
・Credit card payment
・d payment
・au Simple Payment *au Android and iPhone only
・SoftBank One-Stop Payment *SoftBank Android and iPhone only
Payment period
[When joining]
・Credit card payment and carrier payment
Payment will be made when you complete the registration process.
·Convenience store settlement
After applying, please make payment at the selected convenience store within the displayed due date.
・Credit card payment and carrier payment
This depends on the regulations of each credit card company and carrier.
Service provision period
[Annual membership course]
・Credit card payment, convenience store payment
The membership will be valid until the end of the same month in the year following the month of joining.
[Example] If you join on January 21st, your membership will expire at the end of January the following year.
[Monthly fee course]
・dPayment, au Easy Payment/au WALLET, credit card payment
Your membership will be valid until the end of the month in which you joined.
Your membership will be automatically renewed unless you cancel your membership.

・SoftBank One-stop Payment ・Y!Mobile One-stop Payment
The membership period starts from the day you join and ends the day before the start date of each month.
[Example] If you joined on October 15th: Until November 14th
Your membership will be automatically renewed unless you cancel your membership.
Service provision period
You can use it immediately after completing the payment procedure.
Regarding cancellations
Refunds will not be accepted for cancellations or terminations after your application for membership, regardless of the reason.
Regarding automatic renewal cancellation procedures
[Annual membership course]
To cancel automatic renewal, you can complete the procedure on "MYPAGE" by the 20th of the same month following the month of joining.
[Monthly fee course]
After logging in, you can proceed by clicking "Cancel Membership" at the bottom of the page.
For matters not specified in this notice, please refer to the Terms of Use.