frequently asked Questions

I forgot my login password.
[1] Reset your password
TOP page > Login > Forgot your password? Enter your Plus member ID (formerly known as EMTG ID) or
Please enter your registered email address and date of birth and press the "Confirm" button.

We will send a "URL for resetting your password" to your registered email address.
Please access the URL in the email and reset your password.

*If 24 hours have passed since you received the email, please go to "Forgot your password?" and follow the procedure again.
*If you do not receive the email, please make sure that your email settings allow you to receive emails from the "plusmember.jp" domain.

[2] If you cannot confirm the above
Please contact us by email below.

・Full name (kanji/furigana)
・Nickname you set
・Date of birth (8 digits in the Gregorian calendar)
・Registered email address
・Registered phone number
・Address (prefecture)
>>If you have forgotten your password, please contact us here

Other Frequently Asked Questions


If the above does not resolve your issue, please contact us using the details below.

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