About joining

I have not received the reply email containing the URL for new member registration.
If you do not receive a reply email for your new membership registration, the following may be the cause.

▼ It is blocked by the domain-specific reception setting.
Please set the above domains to allow receiving emails.
*Please contact your email address provider or mobile phone company for confirmation and setup instructions.

▼If you are using an au ( @ezweb.ne.jp / @au.com ) email address
Is your "Spoofing Control" set to "High"?
Please set it to "Medium" or lower, or cancel the setting.

▼If you are using a SoftBank (@softbank.en.jp / @i.softbank.jp) email address
Is your spam filter set to "strong"?

▼If you are using an iCloud address or a free address (Gmail/Yahoo, etc.)
Please check outside of your inbox as the email may have been automatically filtered into your spam folder or promotions tab.

・Please change your settings so that you can receive emails from your PC and emails with URLs.

Depending on the email client or app you use, related emails may be displayed together as a thread.

<Apple Support>

<Gmail Support>

If the problem persists, please try again with a different email address.

Other questions about "Joining"


If the above does not resolve your issue, please contact us using the details below.

For inquiries regarding the fan club, please click here  

For inquiries regarding support advertisements and giveaways, please contact us here