For those who applied for the "Individual WithLIVE Talk Session" (1st/2nd) at UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE, UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE will inform you of order cancellations and refunds from noon on Friday, April 22nd. We will inform you by email and My Page notification, so please check it. Universal Music Customer Service Center *Customer support normal business hours Weekdays 10:00 to 17:00 *If you are inquiring from a smartphone or mobile phone, please allow reception of emails from the domain [].' data-wovn-src:-original-content='いつもOCTPATHへの多大なる温かいご声援、誠にありがとうございます。この度、OCTPATHメンバーの冬馬が適応障害との診断を受けました。診断結果に基づき、冬馬は当面の間、活動を休止させていただくこととなりました。今後、冬馬は担当医師の指示に従い治療に専念し、事務所としても冬馬の早期回復に向けて全面的にサポートをしてまいります。冬馬の活動休止に伴い、当面の間、OCTPATHは7人で活動してまいります。なお、6月15日(水)発売予定の2nd single「Perfect」等、冬馬が活動休止前に参加した楽曲やMV、メディアでの出演に関しては活動休止後も公開される予定です。いつも応援してくださっているファンの皆様、関係者の皆様にはご心配をお掛けいたしますが、ご理解いただけますようお願いいたします。ファンの皆様からの大きな愛に、メンバー・スタッフ一同、日々感謝いたしております。今後とも、OCTPATHへの変わらぬご声援を何卒よろしくお願いいたします。〈OCTPATH 2nd single「Perfect」特典会に関しましてのご案内〉UNIVERSAL MUSIC STOREで「個別WithLIVEトーク会」(第一回/第二回)へお申込み頂きました方へは、UNIVERSAL MUSIC STOREよりご注文のキャンセルおよび返金につきまして4月22日(金)正午以降順次ご案内差し上げます。メールおよびマイページ通知にてお知らせいたしますのでご確認頂きますようお願い申し上げます。〈CDのご予約・特典会に関する問い合わせ〉ユニバーサルミュージックカスタマーサービス・センター*カスタマーサポート通常営業時間 平日 10:00から17:00*スマートフォン・携帯電話からお問い合わせの方は、【】のドメインを受信許可設定をお願いいたします。'> OCTPATH Touma Announcement of Suspension of Activities | OCTPATH


OCTPATH Touma Announcement of Suspension of Activities



Thank you very much for your continued warm support for OCTPATH.

Recently, OCTPATH member Fuuma has been diagnosed with adjustment disorder.

Based on the diagnosis, Touma will be taking a break from activities for the time being.

Going forward, Fuuma will focus on his treatment as instructed by his doctor, and the agency will provide full support to ensure a speedy recovery.

Due to Touma's hiatus, OCTPATH will continue as a group of seven for the time being.

In addition, songs, music videos, and media appearances that Touma participated in before his hiatus, such as his second single "Perfect" scheduled for release on Wednesday, June 15th, are scheduled to be released even after the hiatus.

We apologize to all our fans who always support us and to all those involved for any concern this may cause, and we ask for your understanding.

All of the members and staff are grateful every day for the great love we receive from our fans.

We appreciate your continued support for OCTPATH.

<Information regarding the special event for OCTPATH 2nd single "Perfect ">

For those who have applied for the "Individual WithLIVE Talk Session" (1st/2nd) through UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE, UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE will inform you of order cancellations and refunds from noon on Friday, April 22nd.

We will notify you by email and on your My Page notification, so please check your email.

<Inquiries regarding CD reservations and special events>

Universal Music Customer Service Center

*Customer support normal business hours: Weekdays 10:00 to 17:00

*If you are contacting us from a smartphone or mobile phone, please make sure to allow emails from the domain 【】.