OCTPATH 2nd album『Present』発売記念 先行試聴会開催決定!



OCTPATH 2nd album『Present』の発売を記念して、先行試聴会の開催が決定いたしました!

2024年12月25日(水)発売のOCTPATH 2nd album『Present』をAmazon.co.jp「先行試聴会抽選対象ページ」で予約購入いただいたき、ご応募いただいた方を対象に抽選を行います。


当日はOCTPATH のメンバーも登壇します!いち早く2nd album『Present』を聴いていただけるチャンスとなりますので、ぜひこの機会にご応募ください。


日時 2024年11月24日(日)

会場 東京都内某所



【1部】14:00~14:30(受付開始 / 13:00 ~ 受付終了 / 13:30)

【2部】15:30~16:00(受付開始 / 14:30 ~ 受付終了 / 15:00)



Lottery application period and reservations


【第1回抽選】【Amazon.co.jp限定】OCTPATH 2nd album『Present』【先行試聴会抽選対象】


【第2回抽選】【Amazon.co.jp限定】OCTPATH 2nd album『Present』【先行試聴会抽選対象】


※「先行試聴会」抽選対象ページからご購入の『Present』もCDショップ特典のAmazon.co.jp限定特典 印字サイン入りビジュアルシート(ソロ8種のうちランダム1枚)付与対象となります。

Lottery application schedule

[First lottery]


ご予約対象期間:2024年9月24日(火)10:00 ~ 2024年10月8日(火)17:59



応募期間:2024年10月11日(金)12:00 ~ 2024年10月14日(月)23:59


*Applications cannot be made outside the application period stated above.




[Second lottery]


ご予約対象期間:2024年10月21日(月)18:00 ~ 2024年11月5日(火)17:59



応募期間:2024年11月8日(金)12:00 ~ 2024年11月10日(日)23:59


*Applications cannot be made outside the application period stated above.














1. 購入したAmazonアカウントでログインする 

2. アカウントサービスから「メッセージセンター」の[メッセージ]をクリック 

3. [すべてのメッセージ]をクリックし、「ご注文(ここに注文番号が記載されてます)に関するお知らせ」というメッセージを開く 

4. メール内にデジタルシリアルコードが記載されております。




How to participate






・1回のご当選につき2nd album『Present』先行試聴会にお申込みいただいた1名様のみがご参加いただけます。


However, one person may win multiple prizes.








② "Photo ID" specified by the organizer

*If you forget any one of these items, you will not be able to participate.


 Regarding photo identification documents

When participating in the event, the winner must bring one of the following items (1) to (7) as their original photo ID (photos, copies, and expired documents are not accepted) as specified by the organizer.

Please note that any other form of identification is invalid for any reason. (Only original documents are valid.)

*Winning rights cannot be sold or transferred to a third party, including family or friends. Regardless of whether monetary transactions are made, if it is discovered that you have transferred your winning rights, you will be banned from participating in any future OCTPATH-related live shows or events, so please refrain from doing so.

*If there is a clear discrepancy between your identity and the photo on your ID, and the proof cannot be made clear by other identification documents, staff may refuse entry at their discretion. Please be sure to bring your own "designated ID with photo".

*If the address you entered when applying does not match the address on your identity card, you will be denied entry. Please make sure that your identity card matches the address you entered when applying before coming to the event.

[1] Passport (※Foreign nationals must prepare a passport. Please also fill in your address in advance.)

*If you have a passport without an address printed on it, you will need to present a separate form of identification that can verify your address (such as an insurance card with your address printed on it).

[2] Driver's license (only Type 1 and Type 2 drivers' licenses)

[3] Basic Resident Registration Card

[4] Special permanent resident certificate or residence card

[5] Physical disability certificate, mental health and welfare certificate, rehabilitation certificate

[6] My Number Card (※Notification cards are not accepted)

【7】 Student ID or student handbook with photo (※Only those currently enrolled in school)

*If you are a foreign national, you must bring one of the following documents that can clearly identify you: (1) passport, (4) special permanent resident certificate or residence card, or (6) My Number card (*notification cards are not acceptable).

・If you have not been issued a student ID or student handbook, a student photo ID or school-issued ID will be acceptable.

・Student handbooks that do not have a space for the student's name to be written or where the student's name is not written in the space will not be accepted.

・No photo of your face will be accepted

・Items that do not have a photo on them and have a photo attached to them or that appear to have been attached to them are not acceptable.

・Student certificates are not acceptable.

・Documents issued by preparatory schools or vocational schools are not acceptable.

Only students (up to high school students) who are not issued a student ID card, student handbook, student certificate, or ID card with a photo by the school can apply if they have two documents: a student ID card, student handbook, and a resident card (for all members of the household) without a photo. Other combinations are not allowed.

・If you have not been issued a student ID or student handbook, a student ID card without a photo or a school-issued ID will be acceptable (a student registration certificate will not be accepted).

・Student handbooks that do not have a space for the student's name to be written in or where the student's name is not written in the space will not be accepted.

・Resident registration cards must list all members of the household. Only partial household registration cards are accepted. Please make sure that any documents with your personal number printed on them are protected from view.

*You will not be able to participate if you bring a special skills license, temporary driver's license, employee ID, health insurance card, etc. with a photo other than the above "photo identification document." Please make sure to bring one of the "photo identification documents" specified above (1) to (7).

*Please make sure to protect your My Number card so that your personal number and other details are not visible when you present it.

*For your disability certificate, please present the page listing your name, address, and photo.

*All identification documents that have expired cannot be accepted.

If you do not have any of these documents, or if the details do not match those of the person who placed the order, you will be denied participation in the event, regardless of the reason. Please note that you will not be able to participate if there are any deficiencies, such as losing or forgetting your "Participation Notice" or "Photo ID." In this case, we will not cover your transportation costs, etc. Please be aware of this in advance.

<Notes on identity verification>

・When verifying your identity, we will check your photo against the designated ID specified by the organizer. Verification in a state where your face cannot be seen or is difficult to distinguish is prohibited.

If you are wearing a mask or sunglasses, we will ask you to remove them before we can verify your identity.

・Students who have not been issued a student ID card, student handbook, student certificate, or identification card by the school, regardless of whether it has a photo or not, must prepare one of the designated identification cards with photo from among 【1】 to 【6】 above.

- Anyone other than the winner cannot participate for any reason.

-If you are a minor, please be sure to read this together with your guardian and obtain their understanding and consent before participating.

・Please contact each public institution to find out the time and cost required to issue a "designated photo ID" issued by the public institution.

・Please prepare a designated photo ID issued by a public institution well in advance of the day of the event. We cannot accept requests that are not issued in time.

* "Passports" and "My Number Cards" can be issued to minors as well. (Minors need parental consent.) Identity verification may also be carried out at upcoming events, so please take this opportunity to prepare in advance.

・If we are unable to verify your identity due to forgetting, losing, or an incomplete identification document, you will be denied participation.

Please note that if any fraudulent activity is discovered, such as a forged ID or altered photo, you will be barred from participating in any future events.

・We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in preventing resale or transfer.

How to enter


・You will be given a ticket with your seat number written on it when you check in.

・Seat numbers will be distributed randomly, not in order of reception. Thank you for your understanding.

*If you have been selected for multiple divisions, registration will be conducted separately, so please come to the registration time for the division you are interested in. (Registration for multiple divisions cannot be done at the same time.)


*Please make sure your smartphone is connected to the Internet before presenting it to staff.


*Customers aged elementary school and above will need one QR code per person.


*Please note that preschool children cannot participate alone.

*If you wish to bring a preschool child, only one child may accompany you. However, please note that we cannot provide a seat for the child, so the child will have to sit on the lap of the person accompanying the child.

*If a separate seat is required, even a preschool child will be required to win the prize.




*Please be sure to arrive within the reception time of the section you selected when purchasing. *If you are unable to arrive within the reception time, you will not be able to participate in the event for any reason.

*Re-entry is not permitted after entering. Please note that if you leave the venue after checking in, you will be denied entry regardless of the reason.


*Videos and images of the event on the day may be posted on official related websites.

*Event details may be subject to change. Please be aware of this before applying.

*When guiding participants, staff may touch their shoulders, arms, etc.

*When participating, please keep your valuables in good care at all times.

*In order to prevent accidents and confusion on the day, we may impose various restrictions as necessary.

*Please note that we will not be accepting gifts or fan letters at the reception or inside the venue.

*There will be no special medical equipment available at the venue. If you have a chronic illness or require medical equipment, please participate at your own risk.

*Even if an applicant/participant suffers any damage in connection with their participation or inability to participate in this project, our company, the companies related to this project, and the artists shall not be held liable in any way, except in cases of intentional or gross negligence.

*If any illegal actions such as lending or borrowing ID or reselling or transferring the rights are found, the winning rights will be invalidated and you will be asked to leave regardless of the circumstances. Please note that anyone who has been involved with such illegal actions will be ineligible for future lottery applications.

*Please do not gather on public roads or in shared spaces near the venue. Also, waiting for attendees to appear early in the morning around the venue is prohibited.

*If you are in a no-loitering area, staff will ask you to move, so please cooperate and follow instructions.

※本イベントは、ユニバーサルミュージック合同会社(UNIVERSAL MUSIC LLC)、Amazon.co.jp、吉本興業株式会社の間で、購入時に取得した情報(個人情報を含む)を相互に使用させていただきます。予めご了承ください。


*For customers under elementary school age, the family member or relative who purchased the ticket will need to show ID. In addition, on the day of the event, we ask that the family member or relative who purchased the ticket accompany the customer as a guardian. Please note that we cannot verify the identity of the customer even if a family member or relative who did not purchase the ticket accompanies the customer.

*Minors must obtain parental consent before applying and participating. If a minor applies and participates, it will be assumed that parental consent has been obtained. If you are unable to obtain parental consent, please refrain from participating in the event.

*In order to ensure the smooth running of the event, staff may touch customers' shoulders, arms, etc. to guide them. Please understand this before participating.

*There is no cloakroom or other space to store luggage at the event venue. If you have a suitcase or large baggage, please leave it in a coin locker or similar facility before waiting in line for the reception desk.

*The size of luggage you can bring into the venue is limited to one piece of baggage that can be carried on one shoulder. (Carry-on cases are not permitted.)

*Any behavior that may cause inconvenience to residents at or near the venue, such as littering or noise, is prohibited.

*Due to unavoidable circumstances such as natural disasters, illness or accidents of performers, transportation outages, or equipment problems at the venue, the event may be canceled or postponed, or the date, time, location, or content of the event may be changed. Even in these cases, we will not be able to refund the product price or compensate for transportation or travel expenses.

※注意事項をお守りいただけない場合、イベントにご参加いただけなくなる場合もございます。また開催自体が中止になる場合もございます。 参加されるお客様のご理解とご協力をお願いいたします。

*Please note that the organizers will not take any responsibility for any loss or accidents caused by customers' belongings.

*Transportation expenses, accommodation expenses, etc. associated with participating in the event must be borne by the customer. Even if you are unable to participate in the event because you do not meet the event participation conditions, we will not compensate for transportation expenses, accommodation expenses, etc.

*The organizers cannot be held responsible for the last train times after the event ends.

*Please refrain from contacting the venue regarding the event. If you have any questions, please contact the following:

*We cannot answer any inquiries regarding the results of the lottery, so please refrain from making any inquiries.

*Those who fall under any of the following categories may be denied entry.

- Those who have a fever of 37.5 degrees or higher, or who have symptoms of poor health such as coughing, difficulty breathing, general fatigue, sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, loss of taste or smell, eye pain or conjunctival congestion, headache, joint and muscle pain, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.

- People who have tested positive for COVID-19 and are currently under doctor's instructions to stay at home.

- Those who have had close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, those with a history of visiting a country or region subject to government entry restrictions or a period of observation after entry, or those who have had close contact with residents of such a country or region.

・Those who have been drinking or are under the influence of alcohol will not be allowed to enter the venue.

・Pets are not permitted at the venue.

- Waiting for performers to enter or leave the venue is prohibited.

*Please observe the "prohibited items" below when participating. If a participant violates the "prohibited items" below, or if the organizers deem the participant unsuitable for participation, the winning may be invalidated and the participant may be asked to leave. Even in this case, we will not be able to refund the product price or compensate for transportation or travel expenses. Please note.


"Prohibited matter"

・Transferring, reselling, scalping, copying, or counterfeiting winning rights

*Winning rights that are recognized as above will be invalidated.

*Forgery, reproduction, and other fraudulent activities are crimes, so if they are discovered, you will be denied entry to the event, reported to the police, and will be barred from participating in any future live events related to OCTPATH.

・Staying overnight near the venue, holding sit-ins or holding rallies, etc.

・Slander, slander, intimidation, abuse, etc. towards members

・Drinking alcohol or entering or participating in events while under the influence of alcohol

- Bringing equipment into the venue for the purpose of recording, filming, or taking photographs, or recording, filming, or taking photographs within the venue

*If audio, video, or filming is discovered, your winning rights will be immediately invalidated, and even if you have been selected for an event scheduled for this work, all your winning rights will be invalidated. You may be refused participation in any future OCTPATH events.

If any additional details or precautions arise, we will announce them on our website at a later date.


We look forward to seeing you all there.


■Inquiries regarding the event content

Universal Music Customer Service Center

0570-044-088 (Main) Monday to Friday 10:00 to 18:00 (Excluding public holidays)


*Please refrain from contacting the facility.