To celebrate the release of OCTPATH 6th single "FUN", "OCTPATH ONLINE DRAW CHANCE" will be held!



Thank you for your continued support of OCTPATH.

OCTPATH 6th single『FUN』の発売を記念して、“OCTPATH ONLINE DRAW CHANCE” の開催が決定いたしました!


楽天ブックスの対象カートでOCTPATH 6th single『FUN』をご購入の方に、ここでしか手に入らない特典やイベント参加権利が当たるチャンス!

If you purchase an eligible product at Rakuten Books, you will receive a lottery serial code (in URL format) by email by the morning of the day after your purchase, and you will be able to draw a lottery ticket online.

*You can draw one lottery ticket for each eligible product you purchase.

◆ Lottery application period and reservations

Please use the link below to reserve or purchase products participating in "OCTPATH ONLINE DRAW CHANCE".

Rakuten Books - Purchase here



Released on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 "FUN"

・First edition (CD+DVD) / UMCK-7242 / ¥2,200 (tax included)

・Regular Edition (CD only) / UMCK-5753 / ¥1,400 (tax included)

Sales and lottery schedule

★Pre-order period

2024年7月1日(月)12:00 ~ 2024年7月7日(日)23:59

★Online lottery drawing period

2024年7月2日(火)08:00 ~ 2024年7月8日(月)23:59

★Product and bonus shipping period (CD, original bonus, B Prize, C Prize winning items)



[Prize A] Invitation to a 9-shot photo session! (Maximum 16 people)

*A 9-shot photo shoot will be held with 8 OCTPATH members and 1 winner.

●実施会場・日時:2024年8月3日(土)EBiS303 イベントホール



*Identity will be verified at the venue on the day of the event. Please be sure to read the notes below.

*Rakuten Books will contact the winners separately with details.


*Winners are limited to those in Japan.


※対象CDの発送時は、CD、楽天ブックスオリジナル特典 ミニうちわ(ソロ8種のうちランダム1枚)を同梱してお送りします。

[B賞] 直筆サイン入り “OCTPATH ONLINE DRAW CHANCE” 限定セルカトレカ(全8種のうちランダム1枚)

(10 people per member / Maximum 80 people)

*This will include an autograph from each member.

※“OCTPATH ONLINE DRAW CHANCE” 限定セルカトレカの絵柄はC賞と同じものとなります。

*The autograph will be of the same member as the trading card.

*You cannot choose the member. The winner will be selected at random.

※当選時に「当選メンバーを確認する」をタップいただくと、直筆サイン入り “OCTPATH ONLINE DRAW CHANCE” 限定セルカトレカの当選メンバーがわかります。

*Delivery will be made to the shipping address you registered when placing your order.

*Please note that B Prize is a one-of-a-kind item that will be autographed and cannot be exchanged.

※対象CDの発送時は、CD、B賞 直筆サイン入り “OCTPATH ONLINE DRAW CHANCE” 限定セルカトレカ(全8種のうちランダム1枚)、楽天ブックスオリジナル特典 ミニうちわ(ソロ8種のうちランダム1枚)を同梱してお送りします。

[C賞] “OCTPATH ONLINE DRAW CHANCE” 限定セルカトレカ(全8種のうちランダム1枚)


※“OCTPATH ONLINE DRAW CHANCE” 限定セルカトレカの絵柄はランダムでのお届けとなります。

※対象CDの発送時は、CD、C賞“OCTPATH ONLINE DRAW CHANCE” 限定セルカトレカ(全8種のうちランダム1枚)、楽天ブックスオリジナル特典 ミニうちわ(ソロ8種のうちランダム1枚)を同梱してお送りします。

[No good]

※対象CDの発送時は、CD、楽天ブックスオリジナル特典 ミニうちわ(ソロ8種のうちランダム1枚)を同梱してお送りします。


① Purchase the target product

Please purchase the applicable products at Rakuten Books during the sales period with a credit card. Cash on delivery and payment at convenience stores are not available.

*After the lottery, you can check the lottery results by accessing each serial code again. Since the serial code can also be checked on My Page, we recommend that you register as a Rakuten member (free of charge) before placing your order.

Click here to register for a Rakuten membership account ⇒ https://www.rakuten.co.jp/myrakuten/help/

② Obtain lottery serial code (URL format)

The lottery serial code will be sent to your registered email address by Rakuten Books by the morning of the day after your purchase.

*If you have domain restrictions set up, please make sure that you are able to receive emails from the domains [faq.rakuten.co.jp] and [mail.books.rakuten.co.jp].

*If you are a registered Rakuten member, you can also check the contents of the email in the "Order-related Contact" section at the bottom of the "Order/Shipping Status Check" page in your My Page.

③Draw an online lottery

When you access the URL-format serial code included in the email you received when you received your lottery serial code, you will be automatically redirected to the lottery website, so please enjoy the lottery during the lottery period.

*After the lottery, you can check the lottery results by accessing each serial code again.

*Even if the lottery performance is not played properly during the online lottery, it will not affect the lottery results. The lottery itself has been completed, so please access the lottery serial code (URL format) again to check the lottery results.


*Participation in the "OCTPATH ONLINE DRAW CHANCE" is limited to those who pre-order the applicable product with the lottery serial code during the applicable period. Products that have already been pre-ordered are not eligible for the lottery.

*Products with lottery serial codes cannot be cancelled once reservations are completed.

*Products with lottery serial codes can only be ordered with credit card payment.

*Products cannot be canceled, returned or refunded.

*Overseas shipping is not available.

*If you have not drawn a lottery ticket by the end of the online lottery period, you will be considered to have forfeited your right to the lottery. In that case, we will not accept any requests for refunds or prizes.

*For this event, UNIVERSAL MUSIC LLC, Rakuten Books, and Yoshimoto Kogyo Co., Ltd. will mutually use the information (including personal information) obtained at the time of reception. Please note.


A賞のイベント【9ショット撮影会】はOCTPATH 6th single『FUN』発売記念 オフラインイベント(2024年8月3日開催)にて実施いたします。


*Even if you are unable to participate after being selected, we will not be able to accept any refunds or cancellations. In addition, you will not be able to transfer your prize to another prize. Please be aware of this before participating in the lottery.

[Items you must bring to the venue on the day of the 9-shot photo session]

① QR code provided by Rakuten Books (screenshots or printed copies are not acceptable)

② "Photo ID" specified by the organizer

③ A mobile phone or smartphone with a camera function that you will use on the day

*If you forget any of these items, you will not be able to participate.

* Once a QR code has been used, it cannot be reused.

*The devices that can be used to take photos are limited to mobile phones or smartphones with a camera function. Please note that digital cameras, tablets, and other electronic devices cannot be used.

*When registering as a Rakuten Books member, please fill in the information accurately.

*Before making a reservation or purchase, please make sure that your Rakuten Books membership information matches the "photo identification document" specified by the organizer that you will need to bring if you are selected.

You may not use false names, pen names, handle names, or other people's names.

In addition, applications written in kanji, kana, roman letters, or English that differ from the "Photo ID" specified by the organizer may be deemed to be an inconsistency with the "Photo ID," and you may not be able to participate in the event. Please be sure to register with the same kanji for your name and address as the "Photo ID" specified by the organizer.


When participating in the event, the winner must bring one of the following items (1) to (7) as their original photo ID (photos, copies, and expired documents are not acceptable) as specified by the organizer.

Please note that any other form of identification is invalid for any reason. (Only original documents are valid.)

*Winning rights cannot be sold or transferred to a third party, including family or friends. Regardless of whether monetary transactions are made, if it is discovered that you have transferred your winning rights, you will be banned from participating in any future OCTPATH-related live shows or events, so please refrain from doing so.

*If there is a clear discrepancy between your identity and the photo on your ID, and the proof cannot be made clear by other identification documents, staff may refuse entry at their discretion. Please be sure to bring your own "designated ID with photo".

*If the address you entered when applying does not match the address on your identity card, you will be denied entry. Please make sure that your identity card matches the address you entered when applying before coming to the event.

[1] Passport (Please also fill in your address in advance.)

*If you have a passport without an address printed on it, you will need to present a separate form of identification that can verify your address (such as an insurance card with your address printed on it).

[2] Driver's license (only Type 1 and Type 2 drivers' licenses)

[3] Basic Resident Registration Card

[4] Special permanent resident certificate or residence card

[5] Physical disability certificate, mental health and welfare certificate, rehabilitation certificate

[6] My Number Card (※Notification cards are not accepted)

【7】 Student ID or student handbook with photo (※Only those currently enrolled in school)

*If you are a foreign national, you must bring one of the following documents that can clearly identify you: (1) passport, (4) special permanent resident certificate or residence card, or (6) My Number card (*notification cards are not acceptable).

・If you have not been issued a student ID or student handbook, a student photo ID or school-issued ID will be acceptable.

・Student handbooks that do not have a space for the student's name to be written or where the student's name is not written in the space will not be accepted.

・No photo of your face will be accepted

・Items that do not have a photo on them and have a photo attached to them or that appear to have been attached to them are not acceptable.

・Student certificates are not acceptable.

・Documents issued by preparatory schools or vocational schools are not acceptable.

*You will not be able to participate if you bring a special skills license, temporary driver's license, employee ID, health insurance card, etc. with a photo other than the above "photo identification document." Please make sure to bring one of the "photo identification documents" specified above (1) to (7).

*Please make sure to protect your My Number card so that your personal number and other details are not visible when you present it.

*For your disability certificate, please present the page listing your name, address, and photo.

*If you are a foreign national, please make sure to bring your passport so that we can clearly identify you.

*All identification documents that have expired cannot be accepted.

If you do not have any of these documents, or if the details do not match those of the person who placed the order, you will be denied participation in the event, regardless of the reason. Please note that you will not be able to participate if there are any deficiencies, such as losing or forgetting your "Participation Notice" or "Photo ID." In this case, we will not cover your transportation costs, etc. Please be aware of this in advance.

<Notes on identity verification>

・When verifying your identity, we will check your photo against the designated ID specified by the organizer. Verification in a state where your face cannot be seen or is difficult to distinguish is prohibited.

If you are wearing a mask or sunglasses, we will ask you to remove them before we can verify your identity.

・Students who have not been issued a student ID card, student handbook, student certificate, or identification card by the school, regardless of whether it has a photo or not, must prepare one of the designated identification cards with photo from among 【1】 to 【7】 specified above.

- Anyone other than the winner cannot participate for any reason.

-If you are a minor, please be sure to read this together with your guardian and obtain their understanding and consent before participating.

・Please contact each public institution to find out the time and cost required to issue a "designated photo ID" issued by the public institution.

・Please prepare a designated photo ID issued by a public institution well in advance of the day of the event. We cannot accept requests that are not issued in time.

・If we are unable to verify your identity due to forgetting, losing, or an incomplete identification document, you will be denied participation.

・Please note that if any irregularities are discovered, such as a forged ID or altered photo, you will be barred from participating in any future events.

・We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in preventing resale or transfer.

- Nameplates and other items should be worn around the neck or attached to clothing.

- Nameplates larger than CD size will be required to be removed.

- Regarding stuffed animals and other goods, if they are larger than a CD, you will need to remove them before entering the booth, even if they are hanging around your neck.


Once you enter the photo booth, please stand by in the designated position and your photo will be taken immediately.

Once the shooting is over, the session ends.

・The mobile phone used to take the photos will be returned after the photos have been checked.

*Please note that you cannot specify the camera direction or angle of view when taking photos.

*Photography using apps etc. is prohibited.

*Please check the photos you have taken and save them yourself.

*We cannot handle any issues caused by accidental deletion when saving, insufficient memory, insufficient battery, etc.

*Please note that staff may operate your mobile phone.

・For the 9-shot photo session, venue staff will borrow your camera-enabled mobile phone or smartphone to take the photos.

・As a general rule, photos will not be retaken. However, we will only retake photos if the image taken is clearly not recognizable as a 9-shot photo. This decision is left to the discretion of the venue staff. If you request it after the event has ended, we will not be able to retake the photo, so please be sure to check the photo on the spot.

・Even if you are unable to take photos on the day due to malfunction, loss, storage issues with your mobile phone or smartphone, battery shortage, or any other reason, we will not take replacement photos. The same applies if you do not bring your mobile phone or smartphone with a camera.

・Please take responsibility for saving the images you take. We will not retake any images due to any problems with saving them.

・The following items are prohibited when participating in the 9-shot photo shoot.

*Photography is not permitted with devices other than mobile phones or smartphones with a camera function.

*Video recording, continuous shooting mode, and Live Photo mode are prohibited.

*After taking the photo, you will be able to check the photos on the spot.

*If video recording is confirmed, the video and the 9-shot photo will be deleted and you will be denied participation in any future OCTPATH events even if you have plans to attend.

*Photography using auxiliary equipment or flash is not permitted.

*Only 9 shots will be allowed. (Photos of members only or of specific members cannot be taken.)

*Photographing with the members facing away or sitting, changing their standing position, having members hold objects, or removing their jackets are not permitted.

*Both customers and members will be facing forward during the photo shoot. Please refrain from asking members to pose in ways that they dislike. Other poses may be refused at the discretion of the staff.

*If you are wearing headgear, hats, etc. for your photo shoot, you may be asked to remove them at the discretion of staff.

*Contacting or attempting to contact members is prohibited.

*Due to weather, trouble, the spread of COVID-19, or the artist's circumstances, the event may be canceled or members may be changed or absent. In addition, the event schedule and content may be changed due to circumstances. In such cases, no refunds or refunds will be given. The conditions will not change even if the event is canceled or ended midway. Please be aware of this in advance.

*In some cases, the management staff may contact you before or after the event.

*We cannot answer inquiries regarding the results of your application.

*Transfer of winning rights is prohibited under any circumstances.

*Purchase applications for the purpose of resale and transfer to third parties other than the purchaser are strictly prohibited.

*The schedule and content of the 9-shot photo session may be subject to change without notice due to unavoidable circumstances.

*If you do not follow the instructions and precautions of the staff, you may be denied participation or the event may be canceled.

*Please note that if any prohibited behavior is discovered, you will be denied participation in future OCTPATH related special events, etc.

●For inquiries regarding the event, please contact Universal Music Customer Service Center.

0570-044-088 (Main) Monday to Friday 10:00 to 18:00 (Excluding public holidays)


*Please refrain from contacting the facility.

● Inquiries regarding sales methods and emails sent to purchasers: Rakuten Books
