OCTPATH ⾼橋わたる 活動再開のご報告



いつも OCTPATH への多⼤なる温かいご声援、誠にありがとうございます。

OCTPATH ⾼橋わたるの今年 1 ⽉ 28 ⽇からの芸能活動⾃粛に伴い、⽇頃より応援してくださっているファンの皆様、また、ご⽀援いただいております関係者の皆様に、多くのご迷惑とご⼼配をおかけしてまいりましたこと、改めてお詫び申し上げます。

⾼橋につきましては、1 ⽉ 28 ⽇以降、すべての芸能活動を⾃粛し、アーティストとしての⾃覚が⽋如した⾃分⾃⾝の⾏動と向き合ってまいりました。約半年間の謹慎期間中に、⾼橋、メンバー、スタッフで複数回話し合いの場を設けてまいりました。その話し合いの場において、⾼橋が起こした⾏動に対して、メンバー並びにスタッフからの⾮常に厳しい意⾒も含めて多数議論させていただきました。

⾼橋は猛省をしており、この度、⾼橋の謹慎期間中の真摯な姿勢を受け⼊れ、ファンの皆様からの厳しい意⾒も覚悟の上で、OCTPATHメンバーからの「⾼橋と共に再び全⼒で活動をしたい」「⾼橋も含めた OCTPATH として、いつも応援して頂いているファンの皆様に、これまで以上に喜んでいただき幸せになっていただける新しく⼤きな活動を展開していきたい」という強い意志を踏まえ、本⽇を持って、⾼橋わたるの活動再開をご報告させていただきます。



その⼤きなご⽀援に報いることができるよう、OCTPATH はこれまで以上に全⼒で活動をして参りますので、これからも何卒よろしくお願いいたします。

OCTPATH メンバー・スタッフ⼀同 

<⾼橋わたる コメント>

この度、⾃分の意識の低い⾏動において、ファンの皆様、メンバー、スタッフの皆様、OCTPATH に関わって下さっている多くの関係者の皆様を失望させ、信頼を失ってしまったこと、誠に申し訳ございませんでした。⾃分⾃⾝深く反省し、様々なご意⾒があること全て受け⽌めております。

ファンの皆様をはじめ、多くの皆様の信頼を失った⾃分は、もう OCTPATH メンバーとして活動する権利はないのではないか、と思う⽇も多くありました。

僕の無責任な⾏動で信頼を失ってしまった⽅々にこのようなことを⾔うのはおこがましいと思っていますが、僕は OCTPATH と THme が⼤好きです。THme の前で、OCTPATH メンバーとステージで歌って踊るのが⼤好きで、⼀緒に笑い合っているのが僕の幸せで、僕の⽣きがいです。

活動停⽌期間中、毎⽇練習を繰り返しながら、⾃分を⾒つめ直し反省する⽇々を送ってい ました。




ファンの皆様がいてくれたからこそ、夢だったデビューを掴み、OCTPATH という最⾼のグループでたくさんの経験をさせて頂くことができていました。



どんな時でも、どんな⼈にでも、⾳楽が幸せや元気を与えてくれると感じることがありま す。僕はそれを伝えることができるアーティストになりたいです。

待っていてくださった⽅々がまた⼼の底から応援しようと思って頂けるように、そしてメンバーやマネージャーの皆さん、関係者の皆様⽅が、僕が OCTPATH メンバーとして活動再開することを認めてくれたことに報いることができるように、⼀つも⽢えることなく精進します。

THme と⼀緒に夢を⽬指させて頂きたいです。

1 ⼈の⼈間として、⾃分の⾏動を改め、今回の反省と有り難さを胸に刻み、そして、OCTPATH のメンバーとして、ファンの皆様を幸せにできる⾳楽やパフォーマンスを届けられるよう毎⽇努⼒をし、ファンの皆様や OCTPATH の為に⼀⽣懸命全⼒を尽くさせて頂きます。


Announcement of Wataru Takahashi’s Return to OCTPATH


Thank you for your continued support for OCTPATH.


Since January 29, 2023, Wataru Takahashi has suspended his activities as a member of OCTPATH. We apologize once again for causing inconvenience and concern to the fans and stakeholders who have supported OCTPATH.


Wataru has refrained from all work since January 29 and has been reflecting on his actions which were lacking in self-discipline as an artist. During the approximately half-year suspension, we have arranged several opportunities for discussion between Wataru, other OCTPATH members, and staff. During these discussions, many opinions, including very harsh criticisms, came up regarding Wataru’s actions from both group members and staff.


Wataru has been reflecting seriously on his actions during his suspension. While we may face harsh criticism, we have taken into consideration the strong wishes of OCTOPATH members who are willing to once again work with Wataru to create something even newer and bigger as OCTOPATH, and have decided to hereby announce the return of Wataru Takahashi to OCTPATH as of today.


Wataru will start preparations to rejoin the group as a member from today and will fully return to his activities as an artist from September 2023. As for a specific date for his return, another announcement will be made.


We reiterate our regret and apologize for the inconvenience and worry that we have put fans and other stakeholders through. Wataru is incredibly grateful for the presence of all the fans and will work with all he has to win back the trust that he has lost and demonstrate his gratitude through his actions.


We are truly grateful to the unwavering love and support of the fans. We will work harder than ever to repay that love and support and we hope that you will continue to support OCTPATH.


OCTPATH members and staff



<Comments from Wataru Takahashi>


I am truly sorry for disappointing fans, members, staff, and everyone else involved with OCTPATH and losing their trust due to my actions which lacked self-discipline. I have reflected deeply on my actions and am prepared to accept any criticism.


There have been many days when I thought that having lost the trust of the fans and many others, I no longer had the right to be a member of OCTPATH.


It may seem arrogant to say this to those who have lost faith in me due to my irresponsible actions, but I truly love OCTPATH and the THme community. I love singing and dancing on stage as a member of OCTPATH in front of the fans. Laughing together made me happy and it was what I lived for. During my suspension, I spent my days reflecting on my actions while practicing every day.


I regret my actions every single day.


I was a nobody before my debut, but you all gave me so much love, happiness, and support. Thank you. And I am truly sorry for disappointing you.


Because of you, and because you gave me so much support filled with love, I was able to stand on stage.


Because of you, I was able to realize my dream of making my debut and experience so much with the best group I could hope for, OCTOPATH.


I reflected on how blessed I was for all of these things and I am truly remorseful for my actions.


I know it is not easy, but I would like to go back to where I started and move forward with all of you, wherever this path may lead me. I feel that music can give anyone at any time happiness and energy and I want to become an artist who can do that.


I intend to devote myself to becoming someone that the fans who have been waiting for my return will want to truly support and to repay the other OCTPATH members and our manager for allowing me to resume my position as a member.


Please let me aim for my dream together with all of you.


I pledge to change my ways as a person keeping remorse and gratitude in my heart, and do my best for the fans and OCTPATH by working hard every day to deliver music and performances that make the fans happy.


Wataru Takahashi